Petr  F-stop

Alina ? She is a fantastic model who doesn´t like to be clothed. Here beauty is what she likes and nakedness is her "nature" :) I absolutely recommend her for paid or free photoshoot. I can guarantee everyone that you WILL like it and love her as much as I did ! She is stunning .... As soon as I have my PC back from repair, I will develop more and better photos of this Ukrainian Beauty. Enjoy her !


Absolutelly perfect! Naturally beautiful, kind,cool, no word can fully express her charm. I have never experienced anything like this, I recommend everyone! An amazing expressional variety, I was amazed and enchanted. Thank you, Alina! Five stars!

  • Kla
  • 09. 11. 2017 09:39

It was amasing photo shoot, she is real Beauty and she is Professional. Her poses where good, her expressions where great. Work with her is perfect. I recomend her, you will feel with her like takeing pictures with friend.


I have to say only positive words here. Actually maybe one negative one is that we ran out of time because the shooting went extremely well. I enjoyed every little moment and we had a lots of fun.

All communication before and also during the shooting went extremely well. Alina loves the photoshoots and collaborate in every single moment. She is experienced model but also listen what photographer wants. Alina puts all her effort to make every shot brilliant.


Alina is naturally beautiful and always in good spirits. Very professional in communication, cheerful on the location. She is so comfortable in her naked skin. Alina is very patient and she always puts her best efforts to make the pictures as perfect as possible. Photographers of female beauty cannot wish a better model. For me, she is one of top models I have had the honor to work with. Highly recommended!


Focení s Alinou byl velmi pěkný zážitek :o) ... Je to moc hezká a enerigcká modelka s krásným tělem a báječným výrazem. Alina preferuje být nahá po celou dobu focení a pózuje velmi přirozeně, což milovníci aktů jistě ocení :o) ... Když jsem se jí ptal proč tomu tak je, tak mi odpověděla velmi prostě, že se nerada tahá s kufry prádla a navíc je exhibicionistka :o) ... Určitě doporučuji.

Vláďa (2)

Alina......,, tak to je sen každého fotografa,jak si lze fotomodelku představovat,precizní domluva,precizní práce během fotografování a když se k tomu ještě přidá fotogenický obličej a pěkná postava,tak nelze nic jiného napsat,,než : DOPORUČUJI !

The  Fotosutra

I did Nude art Photo-seesion of Alina on Oct 2017.
She is an amazing model with full of confidence and very professional. It was great photosession. she is easy to work with and have lot of confidence in all the poses she makes. She is very comfortable with nude sessions.
I highly recommend this excellent and natural model. :) :)

La Libertad

I'm sure you've never had such an experience before. And you won`t experience anything similar in a future. Alina is a unique model, absolutely unbeatable. A dream of all photographers interested in nude photos. She hates being dressed. What she loves is to undress completely (head to toe) once she enters your studio and don`t get dressed any earlier than going back to the street. Sometimes not even this.

Jsem si jistý, že jste nikdy nic podobného nezažili. A ani v budoucnu nezažijete. Alina je jako modelka absolutně bezkonkurenční a to zejména pro fotografy, kteří rádi fotí nahotu. Alina totiž nesnáší oblečení. To, co miluje, je kompletně se svléknout hned po vstupu do ateliéru a obléci se teprve než znovu než znovu vyrazí do ulic. A někdy ani to ne ;-)

Petr Tamaj

Mohu jen doporučit. Před objektivem je prostě senzační. Udělá pro vás první poslední a vše s úsměvem. A na základě toho všeho vznikli úžasné fotky. Doufám, že se ještě potkáme.


Ackoliv nema jeste mnoho zkusenosti, a to jiste brzy nebude uz pravda, ma Alina velice dobrou kulturu tela, pekne pozuje, je dobre stavena, a relativne pruzna. Dohromady to dela, ze je pred objektov skvela. Krom toho je s ni vyborna a jasna domluva, je na to pripravena na profesionalni urovni, ma foceni rada, a udela pro vas prvni a posledni. Navic, kdyz jse ji libi vase dilo, tak za modelku, ktera by si zaslouzila slusny honorar, vyvoleni platit nemusi..
Potvrzuju a doporucuju.

  • vtmej
  • 17. 10. 2017 10:17

Velmi komunikativní , šikovná a příjemná modelka, je radost s ní fotit. 100%-ní spolehlivost. Jednoznačně doporučuju